Live Classes:
Students receive 34.5 weeks of live instruction, 3 days a week (M, T, Th), for 60 minutes (104 total sessions).
Optional Extra Help Session every Wednesday from 9:00-1:00pm MST (AZ).
Small class sizes.
All classes will be recorded and available through the Student Portal in case of an absence or needed review.
Your child’s instructor is experienced in teaching mathematics and highly qualified in the state they live.
Instruction blends various learning styles, so that no one gets lost or left behind.
Mrs. Math courses do not use a physical textbook, but instead utilizes guided notes. After enrolling in a course, your student will be able to access course materials through the Student Portal.
After students receive instruction, they are expected to complete accompanying weekly course-work, available through the Student Portal, in order to practice the skills learned during instructional time.
Families have the option to print coursework or request a pre-printed coursebook in the mail for a low additional cost.
Basic learning materials are required for the course (notebook, pencil, scissors, etc.) and must be provided by families. Beginning in Algebra 1, students will need a graphing calculator. There are free options available online (I recommend Desmos).
Progress Monitoring:
Mrs. Math wants to keep families in the driver's seat. There is a lot of flexibility when it comes to grading assignments (completion vs. percent correct), assessments (use of notes/calculator or not), quiz retakes, etc.
Families can monitor student's progress through the Student Portal, where they can see assessment scores and optionally keep track of completed assignments.
Once students complete their independent course-work, the student or parent will use the available solutions manual to check their assignments for error(s). Students are expected to make corrections, or email their instructor if they have questions. Students can also show up to additional help sessions.
Quizzes, Chapter Tests, and Semester Exams are completed online and graded automatically. Students can retake quizzes and chapter tests as many times as needed.
Student Success:
In addition to the live sessions, students should expect to spend an additional 1-2 hours (depending on the learner and topic) on independent course work and an assessment each week.
Mrs. Math encourages parent involvement! While the goal is for students to take ownership for their learning, Mrs. Math recommends that parents meet with their children regularly to ask them about their learning and present their work. Additionally, parents should set aside time each week to login to the Student Portal and check their child’s progress.
At times, your child’s instructor may request additional Wednesday/Friday instruction for students that need supplementary support with the material.